Long Time, No Talk.

Hey. The last month or so has been very topsy-turvy. But that’s life? It seems to be life.

Anyway, life hit me and I burst a blood vessel in my eye, all while trying not to drink as much as I used to, which I’ve been doing a really good job of. But my ex is kind of taking up attention in my life with some changes that involve him and other people I know, one of my very good friends is experiencing massive changes as well, and work is absolute insanity, and here I am. I’m cobbling it together. And trying not to spend a fortune!

And doing ok.

In the last month:

  1. I transferred $800 into savings towards a new car
  2. I planted and sprouted several different veggie seeds to be transferred to the community garden plot
  3. I’ve spent some extra money on Timbers tickets and I do not regret it even though they got demolished last night
  4. I’ve decided that my garage needs to be put to use, so I’m going to do a WoMan Cave

I intend to get a bit more active here, especially if I upgrade my phone, which I hope to do by the end of summer. In the meantime, I’ll pop by with some recipes, some complaints, and some gifs.





Always gifs.

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